Crazy times!!

Hmm, its been awhile since I wrote on this blog. I guess it takes something to happen to have something to say.... you Know? I learned so much over the last months. I learned how foolish I can be :( 

Some Lessons are hard to Learn and understand for sure. Even when you see the mistake happening in the moment the pressure of feelings, insecurities, fallacies, and just the Pressure of life at the moment....I guess circumstances, can keep people from making the Right choices?

I found myself in the situation above for months, with crazy intense Anxiety and I made a big Mistake. And I made the same mistake before. Will I ever learn? Maybe I have this time?

However, on the other end I know these mistakes are critical for making the Right choices in the Future. Sometimes I think God puts these obstacles in our paths for us to learn and depend on Him for guidance. I know my heavenly Father will also guide me in truth and wisdom :)! God is ultimately in control. Sometimes we have to just sit and Wait for Him.

Please see Isaiah 40:31
and Romans 5:6


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