"Blowing in the Wind"
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Recently I heard someone Speak Derogatory about a particular Culture/Community
My biggest issue is Judging, Stereotyping or Generalizing individuals
base on their Race, Culture, Gender, Sexual orientation, or Community.
When I notice someone judging base on a person(s) Life circumstance, I feel ignited with Annoyance and Anger.
Although I am quite aware I Judge also, And it Especially Irritates
me, and I quickly try to change my mindset or Form a new Prospective, by Learning
and Confronting myself .
I phoned my Best Friend, whom I've known for most of my adult
life, and she instantly helped me diffuse my Frustration,
She said “isn’t there something in the Bible that’s says…like looking past oneself" ?? I guess in knowing my Spiritualty she tried to quote scripture, but I understood what she was trying to convey.
Basically she was telling me there’s a process with Dealing and Confronting others, And Yes very True, there is. We all don’t have the same Circumstances, Life
experiences, genealogies and education which will produce the same Lifestyles, Conclusions,
Answers or Logic.
Everyone is different and unique=the Human race.
But I do think Change can Occur,
One individual at a Time
My Motivation in Life is to continue to Stand up for myself and others.
My Dad brought this Bob Dylan Song to my attention this week. And He explain how this Song, was in relations to the Civil Rights Movement & change the Consciousness of America=the power of Music ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣
"Yes, how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky ?
Yes, how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry ? Bob Dylan “Blowing in the Wind:
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