Empty Sky: New Jersey September 11th Memorial

Photograph on March 12th 2012' Beautiful

On the morning of
September 11, 2001, with the skies
so clear that the Twin Towers
across the river appeared to be
within reach, the very essence
of what our country stands for -
freedom, tolerance, and the
pursuit of happiness – was attacked.
This memorial is dedicated to
New Jersey’s innocent loved ones
who were violently and senselessly
murdered that day at the
World Trade Center, The Pentagon,
and in Shanksville, PA.
 [Right Marker]
Let this memorial
reflect the legacies of those
whose lives were lost,
that their unfulfilled dreams
and hopes may result in a
better future for society.
Their unique qualities
and characteristics enriched
our lives immeasurably,
and through this memorial
their stories shall live on.
Via http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=49789


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