Beauty in the Backdrop: New York City

This Live performance is my favorite new obsession. This song never gets old!!! Magic Happens at 1:45.

These next three photos were snapped and created on 12/30/11. I used multiple effects, I can't really remember which ones...I was happy with the result.

What I love about this photo is the barely noticeable sunset in the background!!

I used a skectch effect on this photo, and I think it adds a nice Artistic point of view.

This one is just cool and weird! Ha.
I was in New York this november with a friend, when I stopped and snapped this photo, I just had a sense of her judging me, so I had to explain,... I like weirdness!! Truthly I loved the Tree and fallen leaves on the ground.

My friend and I both agreed we can live in this one Neighborhood, by Washington Square park, NYC. I love the color's of the trees.
By late novemeber, Occupy Wall Street NY, was practically Disbanded by city officials; Meaning occupiers  were no longer able to CampOut. This is what's left. I call these photos, Occupy still Strong! I used Artistic painting effects on both.
Stay Tuned, for more Beauty in the backdrop Photos :)!!!


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